Wednesday 25 May 2011

Cheetah interaction

Been a while since I've blogged. That's because I now have to blog for work as well, and it takes up quite a bit of time.  So what have I been up to... quite a bit, and unfortunately I can't blog about them chronologically because I don't have time to think of their dates.

I hooked up with some cheetahs... twice! First was at the Tenikwa Wild Cat and Wildlife Sanctuary (Plett) and second at Cheetah Outreach at Spier (Stellenbosch). The Plett one involved a range of cats from caracals to cheetahs. They also have a leopard but he looks kinda scary. You can walk around in the various cats' enclosures and they roam around freely while you wet your pants. Kidding. It's not that scary. It's very exciting. The only enclosure we didn't go into was the leopard's den. He's a sneaky one.

The Spier visit was something I won in a Facebook competition. It included a cheetah interaction for me and a friend. Here we got to touch the cheetah...but he was lazy and not fazed by our presence.

Here are some pics.


The leopard

Cheetahs ignoring me

Meerkat showing off
Spier cheetah encounter

"I'll just take a nap while you 'interact' "

For more about the Tenikwa experience, click here